Here is the step-by-step process for how to upload fully formed NFTs into High Forge.

Create Your Project Type

  1. Watch the High Forge tutorial. It is long but 100% worth it to avoid mistakes on the day of launch, which could prevent you from scoring points in one of the NFT games, or worse not making a sale.

  2. Go to the High Forge website.

  3. Click on “Start Your Project


  4. Where it asks “What kind of images do you have?” click on the box that reads “My images are fully formed NFTs and I just need help launching them”.

But, before doing so read the Notice section that states: ****

***“*All work done in High Forge is saved locally. If you clear your browser cache, have a full hard drive, or leave the project for a long period of time, your work may be lost. If your project has a few fully formed NFTs but you still need help generating NFTs from traits, then select the first option. You'll be able to upload your pre-generated NFT images later.”

  1. Click “Continue”
  2. Now it’s time to upload your collection. Upload your images as .png or .webp files. All images should be the same size. 2000x2000 pixels is the sweet spot in terms of sizing! While one community member was able to do 8000x8000 pixels, it was a struggle to get them to upload.


  1. After uploading your NFT images you may see av orange exclamation mark in some or all images in the upper left hand corner. If you uploaded certain file formats it may be necessary to manually input traits. Take a look at this example here of how to manually name different traits based on overarching categories. Inputting traits is important as they will help determine the rarity of the particular NFT image based on the frequency of its occurance.


  1. In the upper right hand corner you can use the cogs to force the mint order if you want a certain NFT to be minted first, second, third etc. or if you want the images to be minted randomly.


  1. If you happen to have the JSON file with the traits used in your NFT as different layers you can also upload it here to avoid having to manually input each trait into each image. Just select “Set Traits from JSON”. When you upload the JSON file you will be able to simply find and select the traits that appropriately describe the particular NFT.
  2. Click “Continue” when you have defined all your traits for each of your images, either by using the JSON to automatically input these traits for selection or manually entering them for each image.
  3. Click “Continue” and go to “Project Info”